Why Blog?
Many might answer, "why not blog?" It's a fun thing to do, and if it's fun it must be good. That's a logical fallacy, of course - not that I'm against fun, but I am against bad logic...
To return to the question at hand: the answer bears many factors in mind. Firstly, there's the distance between family and friends in Canada and where we are currently living in the UK. This blog, therefore, acts as a personal journey of "Kenny & Family," as my sister Julie once referred to us. Secondly, because I've always believed there should be a 'redemptive' purpose to blogs (to lovingly exhort people to growth and wisdom), this blog acts as a tool by which to sharpen iron with iron (Proverbs 27:17). Thirdly, seeing as virtually all my leisure time not dedicated to family and friends is devoted to reading and writing and listening to music, it's a forum to comment on books and music that I read and listen to, respectively (couldn't end that sentence with a proposition now, could I?). When I figure out how to add links - I'm painfully new to HTML, as you can tell - I will no doubt be linking ad nauseum.
It wouldn't be wise to go on at length about blogging, because wiser men than I have blogged their thoughts on blogging already: see blogs by Tim Challies, Bob Kauflin, and Mark Dever, just to name a few. I appreciate and commend these men's insights regarding the blogosphere. As I said, I'll add links when I learn how.
So sit back, scroll down, and enjoy God on the journey (1 Chronicles 29:15)...
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