Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Here We Go Again...

I'd like to take this opportunity to broadcast more widely the news that the BT installer is coming tomorrow. BT reserves the right to find something wrong during the installation, as always, but here's hoping that we are fully communicado in just over twenty-four hours.

In other news, the Bear herself is in the process of composing a blog entitled 'A Day in the Life of Kenny.' Currently healthy, if not yet wealthy and wise, Kenny is enjoying 11-12 hour sleeps, 2-3 hour naps, and scads of happy playtime in between. I won't give any more away for fear of being accused of being a spoiler. Watch this space. If BT comes through as promised and hoped, the post may appear sooner rather than later.

No less than four (FOUR!) rolls of film are on their way to the TruPrint lab on the other side of Britain, where they do a very good job of developing and provide you with free replacement film and all the images on CD for a reasonable price. So all you relatives and friends, watch your email inboxes for a truckload of new photos. I'll then try to spruce up this site with some Kenny pics.

Busy time at Sir Bernard Lovell Secondary School. I'm currently teaching a revision unit for Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck to unmotivated 16 year-olds writing their GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education exams) and a Medieval Romance Epic/Detective Fiction unit to Year 9s (trust me, the genres do work together). Next week I begin a poetry unit with Year 7s and a fun unit on the Truman Show to Year 9s, who have just written the SATs (Standard Assessement Tests) and whose brains are obviously on the fritz.

Have recently read or re-read:

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp
Worship in Spirit and in Truth by John Frame
Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
The Cross-Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney (original print run)

Am currently reading or re-reading:

The Radical Cross by A.W. Tozer
Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
The Sovereignty of God by Arthur W. Pink (an ongoing project. It's one of those books where you read a line and have to gaze into space for a bit to soak in the full effect of what he is saying)

Anybody like to share with me what you are reading at the moment?


Blogger joel sczebel said...

Hmmm...Do I know you?

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm reading "Clear Leadership" by a guy named Bushe, for school. It's a bore but I have to have it done by monday.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, Miss you guys, especially that cutie pie, Kenny. Ann W.

10:08 AM  

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