Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bussing it in Bristol

I had another opportunity to preach the gospel to myself today. Having missed last Thursday and Tuesday (yesterday) because of a cough I can't shake, I felt really upbeat this morning, getting up at 6am (!!!!! for anyone who knows I like my morning sleep), shaving my beard off (are you happy, Mom?), and generally making a new start. My Muesli tasted sweet and Kenny was a darling. I was out the door just after 7am with a Tim Horton's travelmug full of Taylor's of Harrogate coffee, Lazy Sunday blend - thanks to Cheri. So far so good.

Then I waited for the #41 for an hour. I lost count of the number of #43s that went by, with each driver telling me the #41 was 6-10 minutes behind him. At 8am it finally came, and the fare was higher than I remember - £2.50, when I only had £2.38. I told the driver, and he said "well, that's what it is." And oh, the anger in my heart. Not towards the bus driver, but towards the situation, and by extension towards God himself. I had to remind myself that "on Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand..." To cut a long story short, I arrived at school with a few minutes to spare and everything has gone just fine. God is gracious.

I've heard good reviews of a book called "Uprooting Anger" by Robert D. Jones. Anybody read it?

In other news, I can definitely confirm that as far as our family and Air Canada are concerned, we are returning to Canada on July 31st, 2006. So the rumours are true. We're very excited to rejoin friends and family in beautiful southwestern British Columbia. See you soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to seeing you all again! Will start praying now that you get a job here really soon.

10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to hear more!!! When are those pics going to be ready?? HAHA I'm not trying to be demanding or anything.

12:19 AM  

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