Sunday, October 29, 2006

Notice of Impending Closure

It's more official sounding than it actually is. I have been approached to assume the responsibilities of CrossWay Community Church's Book Table. The opportunity excites me because I find it amazing that God has seen fit to put me a place of responsibility in an area I love - books! What kindness!

This blog will therefore be undergoing a twofold transition. 1) It will become the Book/Ends blog, providing book reviews and an ongoing discussion of the Chief End of reading and reviewing books (echoes of the Shorter Westminster Catechism, I know).
2) Yours truly will attempt to become more a master of the technical side of Blogger. This may be a foolish mountain to climb but I'm up to the challenge.

Please join me on Book/Ends in late December.

Time for one more rant/post before I go...