I feel like all I ever do on this blog is apologize...again, I find myself posting a week later than I had planned. Pretend it's still last week, and you'll get the full gist.
Quelle semaine! What a week! I began it knowing that it would be the busiest of my entire programme – and Wednesday in particular – but it has been that and then some. I’ve been teaching some fairly demanding Year 7s, 8s and 9s but they’re all pretty much under my thumb now. Then there’s the Year 11s, with whom I have an excellent rapport on account of their all being around 16 years old, but they are in shutdown mode because of their school leaving exams coming up, called GCSEs. This is the end of compulsory education for them – yes, at 16. I’m not in favour of it, but that’s a matter for another blog entry.
In other news, Cheri has polished up her contribution, entitled A Day in the Life of Kenny, so without further ado…
6:30-7:00 Kenny wakes up. His quiet “Mommy” turns into a demanding “Mommy-AH!!” (get me out of bed now!).
7:00-7:15 Breakfast. His own cereal (pronounced ‘cirral’) followed by spoonfuls of Mommy & Daddy’s cereal.
7:15-8:00 Free Playtime. Usually follows Mark around while he gets ready for work. Always wants to play on the bed, calls this “boing boing”.
8:00-9:00 Mommy playtime and get dressed. We usually read at least a dozen books, his favourite being “Jesus” and “Toot Toot” which is Thomas the Tank the Tank Engine of course.
9:00-9:30 Roomtime. He likes to listen to the Tarzan soundtrack while he plays. His favourite song is the shoo-be-doo song, which he tries to sing and just butchers. Usually does exactly the same thing everyday. Lines up the Teddy Bears, organises all the people on the pirate ship, makes a tower out of his poles, lines up all the toys that are left over, stacks all his blocks, knocks 'em all down and yells and the top of his lungs “oh no!!”.
9:30-10:00 Tidy up and get ready to go for a walk. He will walk around getting ready saying “a what” meaning a walk of course. Kenny puts his toys away and it takes 30 mins. when you do it one toy at a time!
10:00-11:00 Out for a walk. Sometimes just to the shops, other times to the park to kick a ball around, he calls this “ball kick”. “Ball” is low inflection, “kick” is high, as he says it.
11:30-12:00 Lunch. He asks for his “Mote” which is milk and his “Toby” which is his Thomas yogurt.
12:00-2:30 Nap. Usually talks to himself and uses all his words at least once and says “night night bear, night night duck” (because he has bears and ducks on his curtain) before falling asleep.
2:30 Kenny’s up. Always acknowledges bears and ducks on his curtain and then takes him about 15-30 mins. to adjust to being awake again.
3:00-5:30 Snack and Play. Kenny likes to eat Popsicles and cookies for his snack. He loves to play outside on the patio, which usually involves water, or he likes to “colour”, which is usually re-arranging his crayons. This keeps him busy until the Royal Homecoming of Daddy and he always has to announce what he is playing with at the moment Mark comes in the door, then it’s all smiles and excitement.
5:30-6:00 Dinner. Kenny is getting very good at feeding himself and will eat almost anything.
7:00-7:30 Bath Time. Enjoy a nice soak with his bath time buddies: turtle, whale, duck, book and cup.
7:30 Bed. He’s pretty good at going to sleep right away but usually spends up to 30 mins. saying good-night to the bear and duck, and trying all his words at least once more.
Looking ahead: Kenny looks forward to going home to Canada and seeing all his Crossway buddies (you know who you are!) and taking long walks on the beach.
Cute Kennyisms
-Currently has a foot obsession, always talking about ‘beet’ and ‘toesies’
-Likes to play peek-a-boo but says “see you” instead
-One of his favourite activities is to look through his box of photos
-Counting 1-2-3 in Kennyspeak: By Two Pee (and sometimes Pour)
-Likes to call himself a good boy (“Bo Boy”) and when he’s not good yells “obey” (“Bobay!”).
-Has taken up the air guitar while listening to music (“mesa”)
-Loves to dance and has invented a move called “the floor polish” where he squats and does the sailor arm move close to the floor
-When we ask Kenny if he’s going to be a big brother he smiles and says "no" in the sweetest voice
-His favourite animal sound is the lion and he even does paw actions!
-Loves to colour but it’s more like re-arranging crayons